
Change your gestalt from unconsciousness to consciousness. Every atom has a free existence which is made of a part from the supreme element.  Whatever is there in this universe, is existing from the beginning, will remain there. Only the shape and the size of it changes. Nothing reduces or increas es. In a desire to develop themselves the atoms carried on improving themselves spontaneously and gradually up to conscious soul, generally. Some highly developed carried high consciousness and divine power in them. The atoms of the universe are trying to go further ahead in the way of superiority.... Atom-Atma-Soul-Conscious Soul . for more details visit :

A transformation comes when you accept your total being.

-  बुद्ध की पूजा नहीं करनी है, बुद्ध होना है। इसके अतिरिक्त न तो कोई पूजा है न प्रार्थना। आपको किसी पंडित-पुरोहित की आवश्यकता नहीं, शास्त्रों की आवश्यकता नहीं,  आपको बस स्वयं होना है :- अपने ही भीतर मौन हो स्वयं में स्थित ।        " Tantra says a transformation is possible and a transformation comes when you accept your total being. Then suddenly everything falls in line, then everything takes its own place; then anger is also absorbed, then greed is also absorbed. Then without trying to cut anything out of your being, your whole being rearranges itself. If you accept and say yes, a rearrangement hap pens, and whereas before there was a noisy clamor inside, now a melody, a music is born, a harmony comes in. Tantra says, ”Be yourself”    ( Aham Soham = all is one and one is all )   – and that is the only being you can achieve ever. With acceptance desires fall. With acceptance, a desirelessness comes into being by itself. You don’t practice it, you don’t force it upon


A.    PAR BRAMH PARMESHWARA = INFINITE AND ETERNAL SPACE. According to me " The Infinite space is  Supreme God (Krishna)   and in the sky of infinity, the universal super energy is  God  ( Radha)   and everything in the universe is condensed form of it."              B.   जीवन और प्रेम की ख़ोज                     A Discovery of life and love...      To know yourself with universal truth... visit   inside pages of this Blog...if really want to know... For details, visit next pages  ( by  older posts  ' key' given in the last of every page) ... To visit next page press 'older posts'.    ...


KNOW THE GOD CORRECTLY AS IS . . . If really want to know...  God, Deva,  Allah, Khuda, Brahma, or Bhagwan, all these names and more are the names of God; and yet God is beyond the limitation of name. But Fakir, Peer, Saint, Sufi, and Rishi sees God in the sun, in the fire, in the idol which dive rse sects worship; and he recognizes Him in all the forms of the universe, yet knowing Him to be beyond all form; God in all, and all in God, He being the Seen and the Unseen, the Only Being. God is not only a religious belief, but also the highest ideal the human mind can conceive. GOD’S FORMS :        One sector believes that God cannot have forms and is formless; another sector believes God has a form. The third says God is formless but takes forms. Some say everything must have a form but sometimes it is invisible. Invisible does not mean formless. For many Hindus, religion is a way of life. Sanathana Dharma accommodates the simple folk to the

Supreme God / God.... Krishna (Space) & Radha (universal energy)

Latest knowledge of  the World Spirituality.Don't miss it ! " Spiritual Truth of all Religions " written by me in the year 2000, reproduced here with for your convenience. Some facts have been repeated again and again for clarification of the concept. First let me tell ... basic concept of the knowledge... that is... A.   To know everything is to know nothing....   B.    जीवन और प्रेम की ख़ोज - Search of life and love... 1 ) "The 11(20) page of “Geeta” states about God, as “even though you are one you are omnipresent every where in the universe”. ---Read Concept of the Supreme God head --- "The Infinite space (not Sky) is Supreme God, only one & everywhere . All power comes from his limitless being. Supreme God is pure being, neither atma nor parmatma .You can't make impure him". He described himself in Bhagwad Geeta as under: अनंत ब्रम्हांड, सृष्टी, उसकी उत्
The creation...Thesis -- 1 The supreme element spread in the sky of infinity, got accumulated which then took up the huge energetic form of the ‘Almighty’ and then took a corporal form which was equipped with the divine capabilities, along with energy, power, consciousness and wisdom (intelligence). It also contained all the five element of a ‘matter’. Due to the strong will power it could take up a gigantic shape which was a grand sphere infinitely bigger than earth. For millions of years it was the sole existence of versatile qualities and was leading a great life and prosperity. Getting bored with this, it intended to divide itself into more numbers. By the power of determination, a storm of fierce energy began, which led to its explosion. From this, many universes, milky ways and stars got formed.......with available element and by combination of defferent energies, the life restarted.  The then Almighty is in a state of salvation. At present natu

Godhead -------- God

1) The Universal consciousness ! The then Almighty / God / Universal consciousness is in a state of salvation. 2) At present nature ( Earth consciousness ) is almighty for this world. The Earth is a living being ! According to Geeta - Real ‘yogi’ sees me ( God ) in all creatures, and sees all creatures in me also. An accomplished person of non- skeptic nature, can see me every where. Who ever sees me every where, and sees everything in me, for him neither I nor him are invisible to each other. Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, I am the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon,  the syllable "Om" in the Vedic mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man." "Sri Krishna said: I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I  am the heat in fire. I am  the life of all that lives, and I am the penances of all ascetics."  "Sri Krishna said: O Arjuna, know that I am the original seed of all existences,